Ierulli is the co-director for the event that will send the proceeds from the event to HonorAir Knoxville. HonorAir flies WWII, Korean and Vietnam veterans to Washington, D.C. free of charge to visit the nation's memorials for those conflicts.
The event will take place Monday, July 11 at Green Meadow Country Club in Alcoa, Tenn.
Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. The four-player scramble shotgun start will begin at 1:00 p.m. Tournament fee is $110 on the day of the tournament.
The fee covers greens fee, cart, and lunch. For more information call 865-414-2017. Mail tournament and sponsorship fees to Green Meadows club pro Scott Wilson, Green Meadows Country Club, P.O. Box 6987, Maryville, TN 37801. Tournament email address is Additional information can be found on Facebook at "Smoky Mountain Veterans Golf Classic.