JEFFERSON CITY, Tenn. – Carson-Newman head men's soccer coach Richard Moodie and the rest of the men's soccer team have been honored by the Tennessee legislature with the passage of House Resolution 150.
The resolution, signed by representatives Jeremy Faison, Andrew Farmer and Ryan Williams, honors the 2013 version of the Eagles – known as The Lads – for their run to the NCAA title game.
Carson-Newman finished the season ranked second – its highest ranking ever. Carson-Newman hadn't advanced past the Elite Eight in its previous forays into the NCAA tournament.
Faison and Farmer presented the resolution to Moodie and the Eagles in a ceremony at Stokely Memorial Cafeteria Friday afternoon. The resolution was passed the day before.
Williams still holds the single season records for goals and points from his 1995 campaign with the Eagles.
Ross Frame came within three goals of Williams' record during the 2013 season.