Eagle Club Golf Classic set for May 7



JEFFERSON CITY, Tenn. - Carson-Newman's annual Eagle Club Golf Classic presented by Tuck Mapping Solutions has been set for Saturday, May 7 at the Sevierville Golf Club.

Registration starts at 8 a.m. with an 9 a.m. shotgun start. 

Individual entry for the event is 160 dollars. Single registration places players in a scramble, while an entire foursome can join for 600 dollars. 

Each individual receives breakfast during registration, a Carson-Newman gift pack, eligibility for door prize drawings and green fees and a golf cart.

Corporate, hole and cart sponsorships are also available. 

To register, sign up online: https://give.cn.edu/register/golf_classic_2022 or fill out the attached brochure.

For more information, or for questions, contact Megan Oldenburger (mkoldenburger@cn.edu), Shelly Laux (slaux@cn.edu) or Brea McConnell (bmcconnell@cn.edu).