Robertson's Rundown: August 24, 2015

Robertson's Rundown: August 24, 2015

Throughout the 2015 volleyball season, freshman libero Hannah Robertson (Soddy Daisy, Tenn.) will write about her experiences at Carson-Newman. A new installment will be released each Monday afternoon.

Hey everyone! We have all had a super action packed week with our first full week of official practices, classes and our alumni game this past weekend! Being a freshman student-athlete definitely gives you plenty of eventful stories to share with the parents when they give their daily call to see how their little baby is doing! Being with this group of girls all the time, there is truly never a dull moment.   

Going away to college and moving into the dorms with a new roommate can be a very nerve wrecking thing to try and wrap your mind around. Luckily, all of the freshman volleyball girls are very close together. Even more luckily, I'm super blessed to be rooming with the adorable, Natalie Harris. Nat and I are two peas in a pod, literally. She honestly never fails to make me laugh every single time I am around her. Nat's finest moments range from busting it in the hall on her way back from the shower (always a classic), to basically following me around with a mini broom and dust pan every time I eat. I swear, the poor thing basically raises me on top of volleyball and school.

The first day of classes went exactly how I expected it to go. I don't know why I had this image that college was going to somehow magically make everyone mature, I was so off. My friends and I had the same exact conversations I have had every day on my first day of school. "Hey do you have a shirt I can borrow? What is your schedule? Oh my gosh HE is in your class?! Save me a seat at lunch, I can't be seen eating alone!" Do girls ever really change? I think not. Walking into your classes on the first day is just as awkward as ever. There's always that moment of sheer panic when you walk in the class and know no one, and you try to be friendly and sit next to someone new and crack a joke to break the ice. They give you that awkward smile and fake laugh but inside you know they are just begging you to leave them alone. Please tell me everyone gets that reaction from people when they tell jokes and it's not just me. I'm convinced no matter how old you get, the first day of school never really changes.

On top of a great first week of classes, our practices have been equally as great. To say we work our hardest and that in just one week coach has already got us playing well together just doesn't do us all justice. I've never been on a more hardworking, dedicated team. As well, I've never been around a group of girls that get along as much as we do, on and off the court. I believe that's what sets our team apart from others. To wrap up an awesome week, we had our alumni game and played some of our fabulous alum and had a fun day of play and BBQ with our friends and families! I can't wait to share more with you all next week CNVB fans! I hope you all have had a fabulous Monday!

 Love and God Bless,


Hannah Robertson

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