Eagle Challange and Iron Eagle Competiton begins for Players

This week the players begin the Eagle Challange.  The 15 events scheduled will take the team to the end of the semester.  There are 4 teams of 10 players, competiting in the following events.  Tire Flips/Tire Pull/Overhead Tire Throws/185 Bench for Reps/Plate Holds/Farmers Carry/Long Jump/Pro Agility/Illinois Agility Run/Jump Rope/60 Yard Dash/300 Shuttle/Obstacle Course Run/100 Pt Test/ Grade Point Average for the Semester.

Each player competes in each event.  The team will receive an average for all its members.  The winning team for each event will receive 4 pts for first, 3 pts for second, 2 pts for third and 1 pt for 4th place.  Each player will also be competiting for the overall individual championship, to win the IRON EAGLE AWARD.  Winners of each competition will receive 40 pts, 2nd place 39 points and so on. 

This weeks results include-  Corey Lamson was the winner in the overhead tire throw.  Aaron Vargas won the jump competition with 327 jumps in 90 seconds.  Pitcher, Chase Boruff won the standing long jump and pro-agility.